Monday, July 13, 2009

Engery Star New Homes Why Is That So Important

Energy Star certified new homes are the future in new homes .To start an Energy Star certified new home is going to uses alot less energy than a standard built house. Energy Star is the starting point to going green and lowering your carbon foot print. I am sure that a lot of people really want to be green, but everyone likes to save money. Its no secret that our local energy rate is going up to pay for the new reactor at plant Vogtle Nuclear Plant and the estimates are the amount we are going to be paying for our power is going up 20 to 30%. If you take that and that our Energy Star new homes are 20 to 50% more efficient than 2006 international building code and add that to the increase in the rate that we will soon see your new Energy Star home is going to save you anywhere from 40% to 80% less on your energy bill. So why wood you want to by a home that is going to cost more to own and not keep you as comfortable or help when its time to move. US House bill H.R 2998 passed on June 26 2009 and is in the US senate if passed there it would require new homes to be built 30 more efficient than mandated in the 2006 international energy conservation code. That number increases to 50 percent by 2014 and then increase 5 percent every three year. So do you want to by a new home that is going to be harder to sell because it has to compete with Energy star homes that cost so much less to operate. Then make sure you don't settle for a home that isn't build to the Energy Star standards which could in the near future put you at a great disadvantage when is time to move up. We have been comparing to new homes most existing homes are much worse when it comes to energy efficient than even a standard new home . please contact use so we can show you all the things that going in to making a new home Engery Star Certified. Thank you look foward to hearing from you.


  1. I know thant my next new home will be a engery star certifed home

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